Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	Scena Secunda. Enter Claudius King of Denmarke, Gertrude the Queene, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, and his Si ster O- phelia, Lords Attendant.. King. Though yet of Hamlet our deere Brothers death The mem
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	Scena Secunda. Enter Claudius King of Denmarke, Gertrude the Queene, Hamlet, Polonius, Laertes, and his Si ster O- phelia, Lords Attendant.. King. Though yet of Hamlet our deere Brothers death The mem

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	ory be greene: and that it vs befitted To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome To be contracted in one brow of woe: Yet so farre hath Discretion fought with Nature, That we with wise st 
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	ory be greene: and that it vs befitted To beare our hearts in greefe, and our whole Kingdome To be contracted in one brow of woe: Yet so farre hath Discretion fought with Nature, That we with wise st 

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	sorrow thinke on him, Haue we, as 'twere, with a defeated ioy, With one Auspicious, and one Dropping eye, With mirth in Funerall, and with Dirge in Marriage, In equall Scale weighing Delight and Dole 
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	sorrow thinke on him, Haue we, as 'twere, with a defeated ioy, With one Auspicious, and one Dropping eye, With mirth in Funerall, and with Dirge in Marriage, In equall Scale weighing Delight and Dole 

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	Taken to Wife; nor haue we heerein barr'd Your better Wisedomes, which haue freely gone With this affaire along, for all our Thankes. Now followes, that you know young Fortinbras, Holding a weake supp
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	Taken to Wife; nor haue we heerein barr'd Your better Wisedomes, which haue freely gone With this affaire along, for all our Thankes. Now followes, that you know young Fortinbras, Holding a weake supp

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	osall of our worth; Or thinking by our late deere Brothers death, Our State to be di sioynt, and out of Frame, Colleagued with the dreame of his Aduantage; He hath not fayl'd to pe ster vs with Me s s
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	osall of our worth; Or thinking by our late deere Brothers death, Our State to be di sioynt, and out of Frame, Colleagued with the dreame of his Aduantage; He hath not fayl'd to pe ster vs with Me s s

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	 age, Importing the surrender of those Lands Lo st by his Father: with all Bonds of Law To our mo st valiant Brother. So much for him. Enter Voltemand and Cornelius. Now for our selfe, and for this ti
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	 age, Importing the surrender of those Lands Lo st by his Father: with all Bonds of Law To our mo st valiant Brother. So much for him. Enter Voltemand and Cornelius. Now for our selfe, and for this ti

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	me of meeting Thus much the bu sine s s e is. We haue heere writ To Norway, Vncle of young Fortinbras, Who Impotent and Bedrid, scarsely heares Of this his _Nephewes purpose, to suppre s s e His furth
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	me of meeting Thus much the bu sine s s e is. We haue heere writ H___is___ _f________urt_he_r________ _g__a_t______e__________ _heer____e__________i______n. In______________ _t_______h____a____t t___h

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	er gate heerein. In that the Leuies, The Li sts, and full proportions are all made Out of his subiect: and we heere dispatch You good Cornelius, and you Voltemand, For bearing of this greeting to old 
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	__e____________ _Le____________uies, The Li sts, and full proportions are all made Out of his subiect: and we heere dispatch You good Cornelius, and you Voltemand, For bearing of this greeting to old 

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	Norway, Giuing to you no further personall power To bu sine s s e with the King, more then the scope Together with remembrance of our selues. Therefore our sometimes Si ster, now our Queen, Th'Imperia
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	Norway, Giuing to you no further personall power To bu sine s s e with the King, more then the scope Together with remembrance of our selues. Therefore our sometimes Si ster, now our Queen, Th'Imperia

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	ll Ioyntre s s e of this warlike State, Of these dilated Articles allow: Farewell, and let your ha st commend your duty. Volt. In that, and all things, will we shew our duty. King. We doubt it nothing
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	ll Ioyntre s s e of this warlike State, Of these dilated Articles allow: Farewell, and let your ha st commend your duty. Volt. In that, and all things, will we shew our duty. King. We doubt it nothing

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	, heartily farewell. Exit Voltemand and Cornelius. And now Laertes, what's the newes with you? You told vs of some suite. What is't Laertes? You cannot speake of Reason to the Dane, And loose your voy
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	, heartily farewell. Exit Voltemand and Cornelius. And now Laertes, what's the newes with you? You told vs of some suite. What is't Laertes? You cannot speake of Reason to the Dane, And loose your voy

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	ce. What would' st thou beg Laertes, That shall not be my Offer, not thy Asking? The Head is not more Natiue to the Heart, The Hand more In strumentall to the Mouth, Then is the Throne of Denmarke to 
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	ce. What would' st thou beg Laertes, That shall not be my Offer, not thy Asking? The Head is not more Natiue to the Heart, The Hand more In strumentall to the Mouth, Then is the Throne of Denmarke to 

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	thy Father. What would' st thou haue Laertes? Laer. Dread my Lord, Your leaue and fauour to returne to France, From whence, though willingly I came to Denmarke To shew my duty in your Coronation, Yet 
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	thy Father. What would' st thou haue Laertes? Laer. Dread my Lord, Your leaue and fauour to returne to France, From whence, though willingly I came to Denmarke To shew my duty in your Coronation, Yet 

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	now I mu st confe s s e, that duty done, My thoughts and wi shes bend againe towards France, And bow them to your g____r__ac_____________________ious_ _l____________ea_u__e_____ _a____n______d________
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	now I mu st confe s s e, that duty done, My thoughts and wi shes bend againe towards France, And bow them to your gracious leaue and pardon. To Norway, Vncle of young Fortinbras, Who Impotent and Bedr

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	__ _pa_r____d________________________o____________________n____._ King. Haue you your Fathers leaue? What sayes Pollonius? Pol. He hath my Lord: I do beseech you giue him leaue to go. King. Take thy f
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	id, scarsely heares Of this his Nephewes purpose, to suppre s s e King. Haue you your Fathers leaue? What sayes Pollonius? Pol. He hath my Lord: I do beseech you giue him leaue to go. King. Take thy f

Ham_F1_100.html.txt:	aire houre Laertes, time be thine, And thy be st graces spend it at thy will: But now my Co sin Hamlet, and my Sonne? Ham. A l
Ham_F1_100t.html.txt:	aire houre Laertes, time be thine, And thy be st graces spend it at thy will: But now my Co sin Hamlet, and my Sonne? Ham. A l