Tests Proposed in the SEE Project Case for Support (CFS):

  1. Measurement of the Shannon Entropy and Jensen-Shannon Divergence of texts to produce Statistical Complexity Measurements of the kinds recently demonstrated as authorship-style markers (López-Ruiz, Mancini & Calbet 1995; Martín, Plastino & Rosso 2003; Rosso, Craig & Moscatoa 2009)
  2. Creation of Word Adjacency Networks using Markov chains to store the proximity values of 100+ function words found within a text (Egan et al. 2016)
  3. Nearest Shrunken Centroid (Jockers & Witten 2010)
  4. Random Forests (Breimen 2001)
  5. Burrows & Craig's Delta, Zeta, and Iota (Burrows 2002, 2003, 2007; Craig & Kinney 2009)