Admin@ARMBP:/cygdrive/c/Users/Admin/Desktop/DMU/SEE Texts/Brett Hirsch Texts> cat KingLear1608.txt | wc
   3205   31736  202727

Wed, Apr 19, 2017  4:23:32 PM hist:12353  jobs:0
Admin@ARMBP:/cygdrive/c/Users/Admin/Desktop/DMU/SEE Texts/Brett Hirsch Texts> cat KingLear1608.txt | tr " " "\n" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

    110 are
    117 him
    133 that$6#1$
    142 he
    149 thy
    151 be
    151 me
    162 with
    172 this
    188 thou
    189 his
    189 will$1$
    192 have
    204 to$4$
    211 your
    219 it
    235 not
    235 to$9$
    264 in$4$
    335 a
    350 is
    358 you
    406 my
    439 of
    584 and
    621 I
    775 the
   3205 ]|

# Positions ....

Admin@ARMBP:/cygdrive/c/Users/Admin/Desktop/DMU/SEE Texts/Brett Hirsch Texts> cat KingLear1608.txt | tr "$,.;:" "     " | tr " " "\n" | grep -v "^$"
 | cat -n | gawk '{ print $2"\t"$1}' | head -2000 | tail -100
flatterie       1901
bowes   1902
001     1903
01      1904
005[F   1905
]|      1906
To      1907
4       1908
plainnes        1909
honour  1910
is      1911
bound   1912
when    1913
Maiesty 1914
stoops  1915
to      1916
4       1917
folly   1918
001     1919