# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------
# File Name: dissectXMLadditions.py
# Location: 
# Purpose:
# Creation Date: 06-07-2017
# Last Modified: Thu, Jul  6, 2017  5:29:28 PM
# Author(s): Mike Stout 
# Copyright 2017 The Author(s) All Rights Reserved
# Credits: 
# --------------------------------------------------

import codecs
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
import sys

ed = sys.argv[1]

def dropAdditions(node):
    for child in node.childNodes:
        if (child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE):
            if child.tagName == "add":

def keepAdditions(node):
    if (node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE):
        if node.tagName in [ "div1", "div2", "stage", "sp", "l", "p"]  :
            # Remove nodes that do not contain additions...
            if not len(list(node.getElementsByTagName("add"))):
                parent = node.parentNode
                try: parent.removeChild(node)
                except: pass
            else: # Remove any text before or after an addition ...
                for c in node.childNodes:
                    c.nodeValue = "\n"

    # For node nodes that contain additions
    # remove those child nodes that do not contain additions...
    for child in list(node.childNodes):
      if (child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE):
        if not len(list(node.getElementsByTagName("add"))):
          # Do not remove prose milestones ...
          if not child.tagName == "lb":

xml = minidom.parse(ed+"_x.xml")
with codecs.open(ed+"_minus.xml", "w", "utf-8") as out:
    xml.writexml(out, encoding="utf-8")

xml = minidom.parse(ed+"_x.xml")
with codecs.open(ed+"_plus.xml", "w", "utf-8") as out:
    xml.writexml(out, encoding="utf-8")