Q1_scene/18: n="18" _ty___p___e="_sce_____ne"> Enter Cordelia, Do_c__t_e_r a__n_d _othe_r_s. ___Ala_ck_ _____it is ____he, w_h_y_ h___e wa_s euen _now, A__s ___mad as the ve__nt ___s__ea_ singi_ng _alo_ud, __ F1_scene/18: n="4_">Enter Regan, and Steward._ But__ ar_e____ _my Brothers Powres set forth? __Aye Madam. Himself in person _there? Madam with much ado_: _Your Sister is the better Souldier. L____ord Edm_und __sp Q1_scene/18: ___Crownd with ___ra_nke femiter a_nd_ furrow weedes, W_it_____h h__o_r-doc_k____s, he___ml_oc_ke, netles, cookow_ flow_ers, Darnell and all ____the idl_e weedes tha____t _g_row, In _our sust_ayn_i F1_scene/18: ake no__t with your Lord a_t____ home? No____ Mad_am._ What might import my Sisters _Letter to him? I know _no___t, L___ady_._ Faith__ h_e i_s poasted hence on____ se_rious matter: _It was_ gr__eat ig Q1_scene/18: ____n_g, c_o__r_ne, ___a c_enturie i_s _se_nt ___forth, Search euery ac___r_e_ in __the high-__grown __f___ield, _A__nd_ _br_ing him t__o our _e_ye, what can __mans_ w___i_sdom_e _In t___h______e_ F1_scene/18: norance, Glousters _eyes bein___g_ out To let him live. _Where_ h___e a_rriues, he moues Al_l hear_ts against us: _Edmund, I think i_s gone In_ pitty _of__ his misery, to dispat_ch _His nighted life: Q1_scene/18: __restoring _h_i_s b__e__r__eu__ed s___enc_e, he ___t_____h__a__t can_ h__elpe_ h___i________m __________Tak_e a__ll ______my_ outwa__rd worth. Th________ere ____i___s___ meane__s Madame. Our fost_ F1_scene/18: Moreouer to descry The strength of the Enemy. I_ must needs after him, Madam__, with my Letter. Our troopes set forth tomorrow, stay with us___: _The wayes are dangerous. I ma_y not Madam_: _My_ L___a Q1_scene/18: er __nurs__e of natur_e is ___r_e_p__ose, The wh__ich _he ___lac_k__e___s_ t___ha__t t_o pr_ou__ok___e i______n h_i___m, _Ar__e_ many s_imples_ operatiue whose pow_er,_ Will close th_e ey_e o_f __a F1_scene/18: dy char__g'd my d_u_tie in this business._ Why should_ she write to Edmund? Might not you transport her purposes by word? _Belike, Some thin__gs, I___ know n_ot_ w__hat. I will l_ove thee much Let me Q1_scene/18: __n____gu____i_s_h. ___All_ _blest secr_ets___ all y_ou vnp_ublis_ht vertues _of __the __e_art___h, Sprin__g wi_th my teares_ b_e ay_dant _and r_emedia_t, _In t_he goo___d __m_ans_ distr_e_sse, _se F1_scene/18: vnseale the Letter._ Madam_, I had_ ra_ther_ -- I__ know yo_ur L__ady d_o__es not love_ her Husband,_ I____ am s_ure of that__: and at her_ late being here,_ She gaue strange Eliads_, an___d most _spe Q1_scene/18: e__ke, __s__eeke, __for hi___m, Lest hi_s vngou_ernd r_ag_e dissolue_ the_ lif_e. That _w_ants the _mea____n_e_s__ t_o _lead___ _____it. _____Ent____er messenger. News Mada_m, t_he Brittish_ _p__o F1_scene/18: aking _lookes To _Noble Edmund. _I___ know yo__u ar_e of her bos_om_e. I__, Madam? _I___ speak__ i_n vnderstanding: You are__: I know it,_ Therefore I do adu_ise__ __you_ ta__ke _this no_t___e: My Lo Q1_scene/18: w__ers _______a__re_ mar_ching hitherward_. _it i__s know_n___e befor__e, _our pr__ep_ar_at_ion _s_tan___ds, I_n _exp_ect_ati__on_ of __t______h___em, _______o dea_r __father _it __is th_y _b_usin_ F1_scene/18: rd is_ dead: Edmond, a_nd I___ have t_alk'd, And more conuenient i__s_ he _for_ my hand Than for your Ladies: _You may_ gather more: If you do find him, pray you g_ive him this; And when your Mistris Q1_scene/18: ____ess tha_t ___I g__o about__, _ther__f_ore _gr______eat ____F_r_a_nc__e My ___mou_r_ning_ and import_ant tear__e_s _hath pitied, __No b_lown_e ambition_ ____d___oth __our armes _in_ sight Bu_t _ F1_scene/18: heares_ th_us much from yo_u_, I pra_y desire her call her wisedome to her. So fare you well: I_f yo___u do_ chance to hear_ o__f__ __that blin__de Traito_r, Preferment_ fals_ o_n__ him, th_at _cuts h Q1_scene/18: love, dear_ lov_e_, a__nd __our ___ag_'d fa_thers right, Soon ma__y I he_a____r_ _and s_ee hi_m._ Exit. F1_scene/18: im__ _of_f. Would I could meet_ Madam, I shoul__d sh_ew __What party I do follow. Fare thee well. Ex__e__unt