Q1_scene/21: n="21" typ_e="scene"> Ente_r Cordelia, Ke__n__t_ _a__nd_ _Doctor. O _t___hou_ good ___K__ent_ h_ow shall I live a_nd worke t_o match _____thy goodnes, My l___ife wi_ll be too sh_ort and euery me F1_scene/21: n="1_">Enter _wi_th __Drumme an_d____ _C_olours, Edmund, Regan__._ Gentlemen_, an_d Souldiers. Know of_____ th_e Duke i___f his las_t __purpose_ ho_l_d_,__ Or whether since he is_ aduis_'d__ b__y_ a_ Q1_scene/21: asure faile me. To be acknowlegd madame is o'er-payd, All my reports go with the _modest trut__h, _No mor__e, nor c___lipt, but so. B_e be__tte_r su__i__ted_ these ___weed_s _are memories ___o____ F1_scene/21: _u__g_______ht __To cha__n____g_e the______ c__o_urse, _h_e i____s____ f__ul_l of_ alte_r_at___ion,_ And s__elf-_r__e_proving, br_ing __his c_onstant p_leasure_. O__ur Siste__rs man_ i______s certaine Q1_scene/21: _f __t_hos__e Worser howers, _I prithee _put them o__ff. Pardon _me dear __madame, Yet t__o b_e knowne shortens my made intent, __My boone I make it tha_t you know_ me not, T_ill time and I think F1_scene/21: ly miscarried. It____ is____ _to be_____ dou_bte_d Madam._ N___ow swe___et Lord____,_ You know the go__od_n____esse__ I___ intend __upon yo__u:_ Tell me b__ut trul___y, b__ut_ __then_ sp_ea____k th__e Q1_scene/21: mee_te. Then be it s_o, _my good Lord how _d_oes_ the ki___ng. Madame sleepes still. O you kind Gods cure this _great b__reach in his abu_s__ed nature, The vntund a_nd _hurryin__g sen_ces, _O w F1_scene/21: tr_uth,_ D________o you _not l_____ove m_y Sister? I_n h_onour'__d_____ L_____o_v_e__._ B_ut_ h________a_v_e yo_u neve_r found___ m____y B_rothers __way___,_ To_ t___he fore-fen_____ded pl_ace_? No b Q1_scene/21: ind up __Of thi____s_ child-changed father. So pleas_e y_our Maiestie that_ w__e may wake the king, He ___hath slept long. Be gouernd by your_ knowledge and proceed, I__n th_e _sway of_ your ow F1_scene/21: ____y_ __mine h__onour, M___a_d________am___._ I_ n_e_ver shall e_ndure_ h_er, dear m_y Lord Be_ n_ot ___f_amiliar_ wi_th her_._ Fea_r____e___ not_, s___he___ and t_he___ __Duke h_er husb_and. Ent_er_ Q1_scene/21: n will i__s _he a_ra_yd, Aye mada_m, in the heauinesse of his_ s_l_eepe, _We _put f_resh garments_ on him, Good madam be by, when_ we do awake him I doubt_ not __of his temperance. Very well. P F1_scene/21: _ with Drum and Colours, _Alb____any, G_________on_er_i_____ll, Soldiers._ Our very louing Sister__, w_e_ll __be__-me________t: Si_r, th_is I________ _hear_d_, the King i_s c_o___m_e_ __to__ h_is ___D Q1_scene/21: lease you draw neere, loude_r_ t_he musicke the_re, O my deer father restoration hang _thy medicin on _my lip_s, And let this kis repaire those violent_ harmes that my two sist_ers have i__n thy re F1_scene/21: __aught__e___r Wi_th _o_thers, whom t__h__e rigour ____o_f____ o_ur__ S____tate__ F____orc_'d______ to cry o__ut._ Wh____y i______s th__is_ r___easo_n__d? C_om__bi__ne__ t_og_et_her_ _a_g_ainst the E_ Q1_scene/21: uerence made. Kind and dea_r Princesse, Had you not been _their father the_se white f_lakes, Had challengd pitie _of them, was _thi_s a face To be exposd against the warr_ing winds, To stand aga_ F1_scene/21: nemi_e______: _F___________or t_h_e_s_e __d___o_____me_____sticke a_nd__ pa_rticular_ broiles,_ A______r_e_________ not the_ _q_uesti_on __here. L_e_t u_s___ the_n__ de__ter_mine with_ __t____h_e anci Q1_scene/21: inst the dee_pe dread bolted thund___e_r, In _the most terrible and nimble stroke Of_ quick crosse lightning to watch poore_ _Per du, With this_ thin helme_ mine iniurious dogge, Though he_ had b_ F1_scene/21: ent_ of_ wa_rre O_n__ o__ur_ p_roceeding._ S_ister you_ wi____ll go_ with__ u_s___? No. I___t is____ m___o__st conueni_en__t_, pray go __with us__. O___ h_o__, I___ kn_o___w_ t_h_e __R___iddle, I__ wi Q1_scene/21: it me, _should ha_ve stood that night Against my __fire, and wast tho_u faine poore father, To houill _th_ee with swine and rogues forlorne, In short and mustie straw, alack, alac_k, it i_s wonder F1_scene/21: ll go. Exeu_nt b_oth t__he A__rm_i_es. E___nt_er_ Edgar_. I_f e_re yo_ur G_____r___a_c_e___ _ h______ad speech with m___a__n_ so____ p__oor_e,_ Hear____ m_e o___ne word_. I____ _wi__ll __oue_rtak__e__ Q1_scene/21: that_ _thy life_ __a_nd wits ___at once Had not concluded all, _he wakes speak to him. Madam do you, _it is f_ittest. How does my royall Lord, how fares your maiestie. You do me wrong to take me F1_scene/21: yo_u, spe_ak___. Before you_ fight the_ _B__at_ta_i__l_e______, ope thi_s L_e___tte__r: _If______ you _have__ vict_ory, _l__e_____t_ t__h______e _Trum__pet sou_n_______d __For hi_m_ t___hat_ b_______ Q1_scene/21: _out of the graue, Thou art __a s_oule in bliss__e, but I am bound upon a wheele of __f__ire, that mine __own teares Do ___scal_d like molten_ lead. Sir know __me. Yo_u are a spiri_t I know, wh F1_scene/21: rou_g___h_t i__t_: _wr__e_t_ched though I_ s____eem, I__ ca____n___ _pro_d__uce___ a_ Champion, that will proue What__ __is auouc_hed th_e_r___e_. If__ __you m_iscarry,__ Your b_____usiness __o__f _th Q1_scene/21: ere did y__ou _dye. Still, still, farre wide. He is scarce awake, let _him alone a while. Where have I been, whe____re am I fair day light, _I am mightily abusd, I should ene dy__e wit_h pi_tie, F1_scene/21: __e____ world hath __s_o__ _an___ _e_n_d_____,_ A__n___d__________ _m__achi___n__a___ti_on __ce_____ase______s. F__ortune_____ l_oue__s yo__u._ Sta_y ti____ll I____ _hav___e_____ r_ead t__he Letter._ Q1_scene/21: To see another thus, I know not what to say, I will not sweare these are my ha_nds, let _us see, I feele this pin pricke, would I were assur'd of my condition._ O look upon_ me sir, _and hol_d your F1_scene/21: I_ wa___s__________ _f_o______rbi_d_ i____t: _W__h__en__ t_i_me sh___a_ll s_e__rue_, let but the __He______r___al_d c___ry, An__d I will ap__pe_are aga_i_____n_. E__xi__t___. Wh___y _fare t_hee w___ Q1_scene/21: hands_ in benediction over me, no sir you must not kneele. _Pray do not mocke, _I am a very foolish fond old man, Fourescore and upward, a_nd t_o deale plainly I feare I am not in my pe_rfect mi F1_scene/21: e__l_l, I_ wi_______ll _o___'re-_lo_oke t__h_y__ p__ap_e_r_._ Enter E_dm_un__d__._ The__ E_nemy i____s_ in__ vie___w, _dr_______a__w_ u__p__ _your powe__________r_s, He___re__ is t__h_e gue__sse___ o_ Q1_scene/21: nd, M_ethinks I should know yo_u, and know this man; Yet ____I a_m doub_tfull, for ___I _a__m mainly ignorant _What place this i_s, and all the skill I have Remembers not these___ garments, nor I F1_scene/21: _f __thei____r __tr_ue_ str_ength _and Fo______rce_s,_ B_y dilligent discouerie, but your haste I____s n__o___w _vrg__'d____ on__ you. W_e________ wi________ll _g___reet_ the ti_me. E_xi__t_. To_ b_ Q1_scene/21: know no_t Where I did _l_odge last nigh_t, do n_ot laugh at __me, For as I a___m a man, I think _this_ Ladie To be m_y child Cordelia. And so I am. B_e your_ teares wet, y_es _faith, I pray weep F1_scene/21: o______th _these______ Siste_____rs h__ave _I_ sworn___e_ my love: _E__ach iealous __of_ ___th__e other, a___s _the__ stung____ Ar_e____ __o_f t_h_e__ __Adder___. Wh_ich of_ _them shal_l _I t___ak____ Q1_scene/21: not, If you have_ poyson for me I will dr_inke it, I know you do not love me, for your sisters have a_s I do rem_ember, done me wrong, You have some cause, they have not. No cause, no caus_e. Am F1_scene/21: __e? _B__o_th____? O____n____e__?_ O__r n_eithe__r? _Nei_ther__ c_an_______ be _en_io_y_'d______ _I__f both____ remaine__ _al_i____u___e: _To_ take t_he______ _Wi__d____do_w,_ Exa__spe__r_a__t_es, _m_ Q1_scene/21: I in France? In your own kingdome sir. Do not abuse me? Be comforted _goo__d _Madame, the grea__t rage you s_ee_ _is cured in him, and yet it is danger_ t_o make him even_ over t_he _time he has F1_scene/21: ake_s m_ad__ __h_er___ S__i_____ste_r__ __Gon___e__r_i_ll,_ A___n_____d_ har_dly sha__ll _I__ c__arry o_ut m_y side, Her _husb_an_d___ _be_ing_ ali_ue______. Now th______e___n, w_e_ will vse__ _H_____ Q1_scene/21: lost, de_sire him to go i_n, trouble him no more_ t_ill __further setling: Will it please your highness walke? You must beare with me, pray now forget and forgiue, I am old and foolish. Exeunt. F1_scene/21: _is__ _c_ounte___nan_ce_ for _t___h_e B__attail_e, which bein__g__ _d_on__e,_ L_________e____t___ h____er_ wh__o __woul___d b__e_ r__i__d _o___________f______ hi___m_, ___d__________eu_i_se __Hi_s__ _ Q1_scene/21: _Manet Kent a__nd Gent. Holds i_t tru_e sir that t_he Duke of Cornwa_ll was s__o slaine? Most certaine sir. Who is conductor of his people? As it is sai_d, the bastard son _of Gloster. Th_ey say F1_scene/21: speedy t___a_king of_f. _As___ for t__he merci_e_ Whic__h__ he in__tends to_ Lear a__n_d __to__ C_orde___lia,_ Th___e B__at___tai___le d_o_ne, _a__n_d__ th_ey _wi____t_h__in__ our po__wer,_ Shall neve Q1_scene/21: Edgar his banisht son _is with the Earle_ of Kent in Germanie. Report is changeable, it is time to look a__bout, The powers of the kingdome approach apace._ The arbiterment_ is like _to be bloudi F1_scene/21: ______________r__ see his p__a_rd____on_: f____or __my s__tate_,_ S____tan_d________s_ _o_n__ m__e to_____ defen_d, _n___o___t_ to de__________bat___e________. E_______xi____t. A__l__a_rum wi___t_hi Q1_scene/21: e, fa_re you well sir. My poy_nt and peri__od_ will be throughly wrought, _Or we_ll, _or #______ill,_ as this dayes battels fought. Exit. F1_scene/21: n. E_nte_r__ wi___th_ __D__r_umme and C_olours, L___e__ar________________,_ Corde_lia, and _Souldiers, o_____ve____r t___h_e S_tage, _an_d ___Exeunt._____