- SEE Texts Excel Cross Tab
- Kinney Word contingency tables
Brett Lilac Texts of Q and F
- Bar charts by Act -- divN ==act??
- IA Bitbucket source code
- Command line use??
- Splitting files by Acts ??
- "TextDiv" not available in latest Corellia release of AI??
- PDF is 7 yrs out of date
- Corelia Web Page states:
Dividing texts according to speaking character or divisions marked in the texts is now done separately to "Segmentation method", so that in TEI texts the segmentation chosen through the latter can then be further divided by or character. "https://www.newcastle.edu.au/research-and-innovation/centre/education-arts/cllc/research/corella-ia2-release-notes#UrefyJJMhGU7bFis.99"
- But we do not have TEI XML for Lr Q/F ....
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