Q1_scene/5: n="5" _ty_p____e="scene"> _Ent___er_ _Le_a___r. Go you before to Gloster with these letters, acquaint my daughter no further with any thing you know, then comes from her demand out of the letter, if F1_scene/5: n="5">Enter Lear, Ke_nt,_ Gentleman, and Foole. Go you before to Gloster with these Letters; acquaint my Daughter no further with _anyt_hing you know, than comes from her demand out of the Letter, if Q1_scene/5: your di_ligence be not speedie, I shall be there before you. I will not sleepe my Lord, till I have deliuered your letter._ Exit_ If a mans braines were in his heeles, wert not in danger of kibes? F1_scene/5: your Dilligence be not speed_y, I shall be there af_ore you. I will not sleepe my Lord, till I have deliuered your Letter. Exit. If a mans braines were in his heeles, wert not in danger of kybes? _ Q1_scene/5: Aye boy. Then I prethe">prithee be me_ry, thy wit shall nere go sli_pshod. Ha_ ha_ ha. Shalt see thy other daughter will vse thee kindly, for though she is as like this, as a cra__b is like an a F1_scene/5: Aye Boy. Then __I_____ _prithe_____e _be merry, thy wit shall n_ot go slip-shod. Ha, ha, ha. Shalt see thy other Daughter will vse thee kindly, for though she is as like this, as a Crabbe is like an A Q1_scene/5: pple, yet I _con, what ___I can tell. W_hy_ what canst thou tell my boy? She will tas_t as like this, as_ a cra__b dot_h to a crab, thou canst no_t_ tell why ones nose stande in the middle of his face F1_scene/5: pple, yet I can_ _tell what I__ can_ _tell. What cans_____t tel___l Boy? She will taste as like this _as, a Crabbe do_es to a Crab: thou can_____st, tell why ones nose stands in the middle on his face Q1_scene/5: ? No. Why, to kee_p h_is eyes on either side his nose, that what a man cannot smell out, he may spie into. I did her wrong. Canst tell how an Oyster makes his shell. No. Nor I neither, but I can tell F1_scene/5: ? No. Why _to keepe ones eyes of either side his nose, that what a man cannot smell out, he may sp_y into. I did her wrong. Canst tell how an Oyster makes his shell? _No. Nor I neither; but I can tell Q1_scene/5: why a snayle has a house. Why? Why, to put his head in, not to give it away to his daughte_r, and leaue his hornes without a case. I will forget my nature, so kind a father; be my hor_ses readie? Thy F1_scene/5: why a Snaile has a house. Why? Why _to put his head In, not to give it away to his daughters, and leaue his hornes without a case. I will forget my Nature, so kind a Father? Be my Horsses read_y? Thy Q1_scene/5: Asses are gone about them, the reason why the seuen starres are ___no_ mor_____e_ than seuen, is a prettie reason. Because they are not eight. Y_______es_ thou wouldst make a good foole. To take it a F1_scene/5: Asses are gone about them; the reason why the seuen Starres are no mo">more than seuen, is a pret_ty reason. Because they are not eight. Yes indeed, thou wouldst make a good Foole. To take it a Q1_scene/5: gain perforce, Monster, ingratitude! If thou wert my foole Nunckle, i would have thee beaten for being old before thy time. How is that? Thou shouldst not have been old, before thou hadst been wise. O F1_scene/5: gain perforce; Monster _Ingratitude! If thou wert my Foole Nunckle, I would have thee beaten for being old before thy time. How is that? Thou shouldst not have been old, ti_l_l thou hadst been wise. O Q1_scene/5: let me not be mad_ sweet heauen! I would not be mad, keepe me in temper, I would not be mad, a_____r___e the horses readie? Readie my Lord. Come boy. Exit. Sh_e that is maide now, and laughs at my F1_scene/5: let me not be mad, n__ot ma_d__ ___s_we_et__ Heauen: keepe me in temper, I would not be mad. How now are the Horses read_y? Read_y my Lord._ Come Boy._ S_he _that i__s a_ Maid_ now, and laughs at my Q1_scene/5: departure, Shall not be a maide long, excep_t things be cut short______e__r. F1_scene/5: departure, Shall not be a Maid_ long, vnlesse things be cut shorter. Exeunt. ____