- 31.1.18 Finding Q/F Speech Pairs Computationally
- 26.1.18 PCA Analysis of Plays 01.2018
- 25.1.18 Analysis of Sh. Plays in XML 01.2018
- 21.12.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest, Lr Analysis Scripts Latest
- 25.11.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest, Lr Analysis Scripts Latest
- 21.11.17 Glossary
- 15.11.17 Discussion of Experiments 15.11.17
- 10.11.17 Q/F Experiments 10.11.17
- 28.10.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest, Lr Analysis Scripts Latest
- 4.10.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest, Lr Analysis Scripts Latest
- 23.8.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest
- 3.8.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest
- 8.7.17 Updated Lr Analysis Latest
- 8.6.17 XML Additions Scripts 6.6.17
- 25.5.17 Project Meeting 25.5.17
- 05.05.17 Meeting w HC 05.05.17
- 05.05.17 SEE Experiment 2 05.05.17
- 05.05.17 SEE TKL Exp2 R analysis
- 04.05.17 Database of Whos' Got What 04.05.17
- 28.04.17 Project Meeting 28.04.17
- 21.4.17 Project Meeting 21.04.17
- 28.3.17 Project Meeting 28.03.17
- 24.3.17 DTW elevation mesh
- 23.3.17 Error Minimizing Codes 23.3.17
- 22.3.17 Iso View of Hamlet MSA
- 17.3.17 Phylogenetics Background Reading
- 15.3.17 Three Main Problems 15.3.17
- 15.3.17 DTW on Transposed text 15.3.17
- 14.3.17 Dynamic Time Warping (DTW)
- 10.3.17 Initial Experiments with Text Alignment 10.3.17 Using off the shelf bioinformatics software for Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) to measure differences between early editions to derive "phylogenetic" relationship trees.
- 02-03.17 SEE Background Reading
- 1.2.17 Dr. Mike Stout has joined the project as the AHRC Post-Doctoral Research Associate. Mike has a background in applying machine learning techniques to problems in bioinformatics. He writes software in Python and Haskell (amongst others) and has used Markov Chains and Bayesian statistics in his research, all of which is very relevant for this project. His long connection with humanities projects goes back to his time at Oxford University Press when he worked on several pioneering electronic publishing projects.
- 9.1.17 Today a new XML encoder joined our group: Cheniece Manning
She has a BSc in Computer Game Programming and runs her own website, so knowing HTML she doesn't expect to find XML-TEI too much of a conceptual leap. Cheniece is a DMU Global Champion and will work on the project 0.5 FTE for 6 weeks, which should take us a long way. Welcome Cheniece!
- 3.12.16 First XML transcriptions gone to Hugh Craig's team in Australia. Our project's XML Encoding Group's first two files, representing the first quarto (Q1, 1597) and second quarto (Q2, 1599) of Romeo and Juliet, have gone off to Hugh Craig and his team at the Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing (CLLC) at the University of Newcastle in Australia. The CTS is collaborating with the CLLC on this project and we wait to hear their view on the useability and accuracy of our files. If they approve them, the files will of course (because we are an Open Access, Open Data project) be made available here for anyone else to use.
- 28.11.16 XML Encoding Group Formed and Working. We now have four XML encoders working on producing TEI XML transcriptions of the important variant early editions of Shakespeare. The most experienced of the team of Kyonnah Price, a DMU BA English graduate who learnt XML encoding during her final-year course "Textual Studies Using Computers" taught by the CTS. Joining Kyonnah are research student Dimitrios Foukis (who is learning XML as part of his PhD project) and two DMU Global Interns: Ire Ogueche and Adeniyi Olukayode. Our team:
Kyonnah Dimitrios Ire Adeniyi
- 5.10.16 And we're off.
The CTS's new MA student Kyonnah Price, a graduate of our BA English course on "Textual Studies Using Computers" (see the link on the left here for our courses), has agreed to do the work of encoding in TEI-XML the first quarto (published in 1597) of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. We have from our Prof Hugh Craig, Director of the Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing (CLLC) at the University of Newcastle in Australia, his TEI-XML encoding of the script of John Marston's play Sophonisba (a.k.a. The Wonder of Women), marked up to show the features that his computational stylistics methods work upon. So Kyonnah will use that as her model for Q1 Romeo and Juliet and will validate her work against the teilite.dtd. (Kyonnah is using the oXygen XML Editor from SyncRo Soft Limited, which seems to be everyone's choice these days.) Once Kyonnah is done, we'll send the file back to Hugh in Australia for confirmation that it conforms to the specifications his methods rely upon.
- -.9.16 Despite our best efforts, the project hasn't yet been able to appoint the Post-Doctoral Research Fellow that it needs to do the necessary programming for its experiments. So, we will readvertize this post--for four weeks this time--to get the widest international field of candidates. The Post-Doc will now probably start in December 2016 or January 2017 instead of October 2016 as originally planned. The funder, the AHRC is fine with this, so long as we get done everything we planned to do by March 2018. Still, we'd better get started so let's see if we can hire any of the incoming Masters students to do a spot of TEI-XML encoding of the early editions of Shakespeare to get us going.